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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is That Ecology?

May be you often hear word" ecology" ? Do you know what purpose explanation from itself ecology?

Ecology word is created by a baturalist nameds Ernst Haeckel in the year 1866. He creats that word by unites oikos (greek --> house or ladder house) with logos (greek --> to mention what science area). According to literal, ecology means science that study house.

Cusorily this word is have no relation with nature. But, concept oikos Haeckel very related to the interest mortal. During mid century 19, plant and animal often time is canvassed separately regardless of their dependability with vinicity environment. Biology branch Haeckel very differ, ecology studies those creatures manner is interacted with physical environment or " household" and with speciess other around they.

In the early the appearance, ecology seldom be headline, doesn't as does chemist or physicist. Ecologist works with difficult matters is measuresed and many their conclusions is difficult to is ascertained the truth.

But, although there those difficulties, way of thinking change trigger slow ecology watchfulness in biology. Ecology shows that mortal linked in so many vague manner and is not guessed, and that disturbance anything towards relations that can import big consequences and frequently botch.

In century second beak 20, technology change and human population that gather way has botched natural systems in stage never have happened previous. As finally, interest in ever greater ecology, after through years in a condition of shadow, ecology has haved biological science key part.

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